Goal Setting and Planning

Oct 23, 2024
How Do You Fit In All In?
I asked a mid-30s business owner what he wished I would write about. My client, an exhausted young dad, did not hesitate. He sheepishly responded as if he was the only person in the world with this challenge. Sadly, I think he convinced himself he was failing miserably while everyone else had this all figured out.

Jan 16, 2024
Setting and Reaching Goals in 2024
As we’ve all experienced, goals at this time of year is a tradition marked more by their failure than their success. Why is it that these well-intentioned goals often fall by the wayside? The key issue lies in our ambition to change too much too quickly, without a solid plan or adequate support. This is where the transformative power of coaching can truly shine.

Jan 9, 2023
Why Set Goals, and Why Systems Might Be Better
We all have a unique relationship with goal setting. January is the time of year for goal setting junkies to rally. Then there are the rest of you — the 83% of the U.S. population who do not set goals.

Dec 20, 2022
Reflect On Your Year!
Highlighting the importance of taking time for reflection and celebration of achievements at the year's end to gain a balanced perspective on personal and professional growth. Encouraging leaders to move beyond a "gap" mindset focused on unmet goals to a "gain" mindset that appreciates accomplishments and lessons learned, supported by a personal practice of stillness and the resource "Life As Art" for guided reflection and planning.

Sep 19, 2022
Charting Your Life Journey
Sharing a personal story of moving to a new home and the unexpected challenges encountered, emphasizing the importance of listening to candid feedback from friends and the invaluable support they offer during stressful transitions. The narrative also touches on the significance of having people who can provide honest feedback for leaders to avoid "CEO disease" and make informed decisions.

Jan 5, 2021
Make This Year Better Than the Last
Reflecting on the power of focusing on what we can control and the value of community, goal-setting, and self-reflection in achieving personal growth and fulfillment, while introducing "Life As Art" as a tool to help structure this process for a more meaningful and proactive life.

Apr 1, 2020
Life As Art
Encouraging the practice of confronting reality and using it constructively to pursue one's dreams, emphasizing the importance of setting goals and integrating them into daily and weekly routines to enhance productivity and achieve long-term visions.
Life as Art
Life As Art is a tool to help you explore and clarify essential elements for creating your future. Through the process of reflection, visioning, goal setting, and developing planning habits, it is my hope you will maximize your talents, fulfill your dreams, weather inevitable storms, and sustain proactive positivity in all circumstances!