
Nov 27, 2024
Can You Measure Your Character?
The late 1980s were a challenging time for many. We were just emerging from a recession, and I was navigating the early years of my coaching business. The day before Thanksgiving, I took a huge step: I signed a lease for my very first office. It was thrilling and terrifying all at once.

Sep 5, 2024
I’m writing on Substack!
See my latest blog and newsletter called The Inside Stuff at!

Jul 3, 2024
Leaders Being Real 1: Carol Peddy
A new series gives us a personal perspective on facing tough challenges and how they managed to not only build their career but nurture their life!

Feb 13, 2023
What Do Leaders Gain From Coaching?
Today more highly successful leaders than ever are working with a coach on a regular basis, and the trend is predicted to increase over the next five years, according to a recent study by the International Coach Federation.

Jan 23, 2023
Want to Be a More Positive Leader?
If you’ve been a leader for any amount of time, you’ve likely faced the dilemma of wanting to be more positive than you actually felt inside. You’re not alone. Being upbeat and calm in the face of difficult situations is a challenge for all of us. It’s especially important for the impact you have on others.

Jan 15, 2023
Using Your Power
In a recent leadership summit, Dr. John Townsend, best-selling author and psychologist, defined personal power as the capacity to change the environment. Organizations require constant movement and it takes leadership energy, focus, and intentionality to take a company from where it is to where they want it to be.

Jan 9, 2023
Why Set Goals, and Why Systems Might Be Better
We all have a unique relationship with goal setting. January is the time of year for goal setting junkies to rally. Then there are the rest of you — the 83% of the U.S. population who do not set goals.

Nov 15, 2022
Giving Thanks for Feedback
Exploring the benefits of effectively receiving feedback, highlighting the challenges posed by truth, relationship, and identity triggers, and offering strategies for overcoming these obstacles to improve personal and professional growth, relationships, and performance. The narrative encourages embracing a growth mindset and seeking out feedback to uncover blind spots and foster development.

Oct 30, 2022
Transform the Dreaded Drama Triangle
Introducing "The Power of TED*" by David Emerald as a guide to escaping the Drama Triangle of Victim, Rescuer, and Persecutor roles by adopting the empowering roles of Creator, Challenger, and Coach. The book provides a framework for taking responsibility for one's own actions and fostering positive, proactive change both internally and in interactions with others, aiming to replace dysfunction with empowerment and growth.

Jun 16, 2021
Growth Requires Persistence
Drawing inspiration from a persistent vine, this narrative explores the themes of growth, resilience, and the importance of a growth mindset. It emphasizes the value of self-awareness, the willingness to embrace challenges, and the necessity of support from others to overcome limitations and achieve personal and professional development.

Oct 1, 2020
How Journaling Improves Performance
Discussing the benefits of journaling for leaders, such as enhanced self-awareness, increased creativity, and deeper connections, to combat emotional detachment and improve decision-making, employee engagement, and company culture.

Aug 1, 2020
Rituals of Highly Effective People
Highlighting the significance of establishing personal and professional rituals to maintain balance, prevent burnout, and enhance productivity, emphasizing the value of renewal and focused time for development and connection in both work and personal life.

Jul 1, 2020
Team Performance - How To Get Better Together
Emphasizing the importance of recognizing a team's strengths, focusing on key behavioral changes, and crafting a compelling vision for the future to achieve long-lasting improvements in team dynamics and productivity.

Apr 1, 2020
Life As Art
Encouraging the practice of confronting reality and using it constructively to pursue one's dreams, emphasizing the importance of setting goals and integrating them into daily and weekly routines to enhance productivity and achieve long-term visions.

Feb 1, 2020
Team EQ = Higher Performance
Exploring the concept of group-level emotional intelligence (EI) as a key factor in team performance, highlighting how teams with high EI create trust, a shared identity, and a sense of efficacy, leading to significantly better outcomes compared to teams lacking in these emotional competencies.

Oct 1, 2019
Boundaries for Leaders
Outlining the crucial role of boundaries in effective leadership, emphasizing organizational clarity, the judicious use of "yes" and "no," and the skill of conducting constructive confrontational conversations to enhance performance and maintain a productive working environment.

Aug 1, 2019
People Fuel by John Townsend
Introducing the concept of "Relational Nutrients" as essential elements for mental and emotional health, divided into four quadrants—Be Present, Convey the Good, Provide Reality, and Call to Action—to highlight the importance of both giving and receiving support, affirmation, perspective, and advice in sustaining healthy relationships and overall wellbeing.

Mar 1, 2019
Storytelling Influences Change
Emphasizing the transformative power of storytelling within organizations to influence behavior change and foster deeper engagement by connecting team members' actions to their core values through vivid, emotionally resonant narratives.

Feb 1, 2019
How a Leader’s Style Influences Culture
Demonstrating the impact of emotional intelligence in leadership, specifically how empathy, self-awareness, and effective communication can transform potential conflict into a productive problem-solving session, thereby motivating and empowering team members.

Jan 1, 2019
Connect to Motivate Your Team: How a Leader’s Personal Concern Impacts Performance
Demonstrating the impact of emotional intelligence in leadership, specifically how empathy, self-awareness, and effective communication can transform potential conflict into a productive problem-solving session, thereby motivating and empowering team members.

Oct 1, 2018
5 Tips for Your Next Strategy Session
Providing strategic planning retreat tips to transform meetings from unproductive to impactful, focusing on clear outcome visualization, meticulous agenda planning, thorough preparation, selecting an ideal location, and establishing a follow-through method for accountability and execution.

Aug 24, 2018
Reality Test with EQ 360 Feedback
Highlighting the importance of leveraging strengths and addressing weaknesses through self-awareness and feedback, as illustrated by the use of the EQ 360 assessment to enhance leadership effectiveness and emotional intelligence.

Aug 1, 2018
Emotional Intelligence: A Path to Growth
Highlighting the pivotal role of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in enhancing leadership performance, with self-awareness as its cornerstone, and suggesting spiritual growth and self-reflection as effective methods to foster EQ development.

Jun 1, 2018
How to Talk to Your Boss
Advocating for regular one-to-one coaching sessions between leaders and direct reports to foster rapport, accountability, and career development, while eschewing traditional performance reviews for more frequent, personalized interactions.
Life as Art
Life As Art is a tool to help you explore and clarify essential elements for creating your future. Through the process of reflection, visioning, goal setting, and developing planning habits, it is my hope you will maximize your talents, fulfill your dreams, weather inevitable storms, and sustain proactive positivity in all circumstances!